Elke works part time as a one to one tutor. She works with students either during the school day or after school. The flexibility with her schedule makes it an ideal situation for raising a child because she can work when she wants to.
Elke is very family oriented, and is very close with her own family, which I appreciate, since I am also close with my family. She is very kind, creative, and is very outgoing. She loves to scrap book and as such, makes an album for every year we have been together, starting with the year we began dating. She is also into making cards and has made some of the most beautiful and creative cards our families have ever seen.
Elke loves baseball and is an avid Chicago Cubs fan, so she plans on teaching our child the fundamentals of baseball and to enjoy the sport as much as she does, even taking our child to a game or two. Elke is also fluent in American Sign Language, which she plans to teach to our child, and to me, as well. Elke loves to bake, especially around the holiday time. She sets aside one weekend in November every year, where she does all of the baking for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Chanuka. She would love to share her love of baking with a child, even some of her family recipes, which have been passed down from her grandmother.